Agrarian Law

Mosello Advocacia has a highly specialized team in legal assistance, both advisory and litigation, focused on issues related to Agrarian Law. These matters, closely linked to the agribusiness sector, involve a complex chain of economic activities that require extensive experience, so the most important decisions can be made in an agile and robust way.  Given the specificity of the area and the issues that it raises, Mosello Advocacia offers for its clients a strategic approach focused on solid and innovative solutions.

Mosello Advocacia has a highly specialized team in legal assistance, both advisory and litigation, focused on issues related to Agrarian Law. These matters, closely linked to the agribusiness sector, involve a complex chain of economic activities that require extensive experience, so the most important decisions can be made in an agile and robust way. Given the specificity of the area and the issues that it raises, Mosello offers for its clients a strategic approach focused on solid and innovative solutions.

Among the developed activities, the following stand out:

  • Full legal assistance in several operations involving companies and enterprises integrated to the agribusiness chain;
  • Structuring of operations backed by or formalized by agribusiness securities such as Rural Product Ballot - CPR, Agribusiness Certificates of Deposit and Agribusiness Warrants- CDA/WA, Agribusiness Letter of Credit – LCA,  Certificate of Agribusiness Credit Rights - CDCA, among others;
  • Securitization of receivables operations and constitution of investment funds linked to assets and credit rights of the agribusiness, including, without limitation, operations of issuing Certificates of Agribusiness Receivables - CRA;
  • Elaboration, revision and negotiation of several contracts, such as purchase and sale of real estate, including by foreigners, forms of partnerships and rural leases, as well as agribusiness contracts present throughout the agribusiness chain, involving from the purchase and sale of agricultural inputs, raw materials and the commodities themselves, to more complex issues involving logistics, transportation, insurance, storage, imports and exports;
  • Integral assistance with governmental bodies, autarchies, regulatory agencies and notaries;
  • Judicial or extra-judicial collection of credits from contracts and credit titles related to agribusiness;

Enviromental Assets

Mosello has extensive experience in handling expedients related to environmental assets, in litigation and and advisory areas, with a multidisciplinary team specialized in each specific area of Environmental Law.


Specially protected spaces and conservation units.

  • Environmental, economic and ecological zoning, as well as the legal discipline applied to the regulation of spaces.
  • Advisory and litigation participation in procedures for the establishment or expansion of conservation units and their management plans, with emphasis on protecting the rights of those affected.
  • Legal advice for the location of specially protected spaces - Local Reserve - Areas of Permanent Preservation
  • PP and others, as well as their compensation and extraordinary alternatives.
  • Environmental compensation.
  • Acting in the processes of land recognition, demarcation and resolution of conflicts associated with indigenous peoples, quilombolas and others.

Historical, artistic and cultural heritage.

  • Cultural and Artistic Expressions
  • Historical Heritage and Protection of cultural heritage
  • Legal Regime of Assets of Landscape Value
  • Archaeological Heritage and proceedings with IPHAN and heritage protection agencies
  • International Treaties and Conventions

Solid Wast

  • Integrated legal actions for the implementation and attendance of the national solid waste policy;
  • Development of sectorial agreements and consortium for waste management.
  • Advice on reverse logistics procedures and post-consumption obligations, including evidence matrices.
Our Partners

Ivan Mauro Calvo

Ivan Mauro Calvo

(11) 99670-1312
(11) 3845-7070

Leandro Henrique Mosello Lima

Leandro Henrique Mosello Lima

(73) 98861.3609
(73) 3281.3609

Other Areas
2021 - 2025. Mosello. All rights reserved.
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